romance books

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Allowing as the unconscious
 to be expressed …  written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru
Unconscious mind …. has a tremendous power …. and many are not even aware of that.
So … we ignore … all.
… most of the times.
But … you see … the unconscious usually waits and waits and waits … and one day … simple explodes.
I’ve noticed that at me too.
In fact … I’ve analysed my behaviour … and realised that the moment when that happens … it all becomes a weird reality … and i don’t know anymore what to believe about the energies from the present moment.
It all becomes the clear expression of .. duality … and actually it’s clear … that all it’s unclear.
But one of the worst moments when we see the expression of the our unconscious minds … is in love stories.
We feel amazing … illusory believing that we have the most beautiful experience we ever lived … but … one day something happens … and we are shocked.
The same partner which use to repeat on and on and on … that wants to spend the whole life together … suddenly takes the suitcases and disappear … without saying a word.
Or … even if says “I love you!” … one million times a day …
starts to speak online with other persons … and into one point simple takes the decision to cheat … again.
… as did other times also.
But the question is … why?!
Why if things run ok … why such things happen?!
It’s illogical.
In fact … a total nonsense …
Unfortunately … what many of us don’t understand is that beyond the nonsense …. there is always a powerful message.
And … not even after weird things happen and reality changes dramatically … we can’t understand anything at all.
How the hell … if all the energies looked so good … why we should see something so, so contradictory?!
I … personally … came to a point when i start to understand and accept my unconscious side.
I had become aware of my contradictory actions … knowing that in any point of my existence … something weird might happen.
And … in fact … all explodes … in the style of a time bomb.
But … i had discovered … a trick.
I try to imagine … while being in the company of my life partner … that i am on the sofa from the office of a great psychiatrist … and i simple express in front of that person … all i think … believe … feel … no matter how ridiculous that might sound.
I express … all … and then … we analyse together … realising that many of beliefs, feelings or emotions are just … that silly expression of my existence.
It’s part of myself … but … must maybe not dominate my reality.
I simple need to become conscious of all that defines me … or my partner.
Analyse … define … then accept all … so that into the end to conclude that we need to redefine ourselves … and simple be … the best versions we can be on the stage of life.
You see … not really pretending that we know what the unconscious mind is, but being aware of its tremendous impact … we must allow all to be expressed into a declarative way.
Like we do … while being at a … therapist.
But … of course … we must learn how to play this game of patient-therapist with our partners … and clearly feel the days when we have the role of the patient and the ones when we are the therapist.
Then … all … will be much … much easier … to digest … no matter of the nature of our problems.
And maybe … unpleasant surprises … might totally disappear ….
Download the book ”Disconnecting … seen as an amazing trick for a beautiful lifewritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.
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