About the Game:
Its naval forces are led by Admiral Steven Hackett. Military Strength: 130 The Alliance Engineering Corps cuts roads through mountains and builds bases on asteroids. While the bulk of the…
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War Assets/Alliance. The Systems Alliance represents humanity’s economic, political, and military reach throughout the galaxy. Its naval forces are led by Admiral Steven Hackett. Contents. Alliance Engineering Corps. The Alliance Engineering Corps cuts roads through mountains and builds bases on asteroids. While the bulk of the AEC has active wartime duties, their brightest are helping build a device of Prothean origin recovered on Mars. Due to the staggering amount of raw materials required, the AEC has been given unprecedented emergency funding for any Alliance resources that will not interfere with the deployment of troops. UPDATED (if Shepard spared the Breeder) Military Strength: -100. The last reports from the AEC were little more than officers screaming about rachni flooding into their barracks, scything through unsuspecting scientists. After a brave, but brief, battle, the core of the Alliance Engineering Corps was wiped out by their traitorous alien allies.” Prothean Data Drives discovered by Sonax Industries have been turned over to Alliance engineers. The Prothean artifact known as the Obelisk of Karza is inscribed with specific, technical terms and measurements–useful in decrypting the blueprints to the Crucible. Alliance scientists analyzing a Prothean Sphere recovered from the Hades Nexus gathered useful data from their research. The base of a Hesperia-period statue is covered in Prothean writing. Translations have proven useful to engineers working on the Prothean device. 103rd Marine Division. The old saying “every marine is a rifleman” still holds true in the Alliance. Every marine enlistee, from clerk to sniper, goes through a period of infantry training. As a result, the 103rd Marine Division is Earth’s largest collection of Special Forces soldiers. Officers from notable battles, such as the Skyllian Blitz and the First Contact War, run harsh training exercises in a variety of environments, insisting the marines be prepared to storm any beach, on any planet. This training has been useful in the Reaper War, as the 103rd can be fighting in the arctic desert one week, crawling through jungles the next. UPDATED Requires: The scanning of the planet Nonuel, Plutus, Hades Gamma Military Strength: 20. Nicknamed the Bridge Burners, Team Zeta are combat engineers who specialize in destroying enemy fortifications in hostile territory. This tight-knit group of men and women are respected for their knowledge, renowned for their tenacity, and infamous for their enthusiasm. UPDATED Requires: The scanning of the planet Yamm, Kalabsha, Nubian Expanse Military Strength: 25. The Alliance Marine Reconnaissance Unit flies recon drones and occasionally puts live recon teams into play. AMRU works hard to ensure information is up-to-date, using VIs to disseminate intel as quickly as possible. UPDATED (Only if the player has not completed the Arrival DLC for Mass Effect 2) Military Strength: -50. Admiral Hackett dispatched marines to the planet Aratoht to rescue a deep cover agent, Dr. Amanda Kenson. The teams were killed in an explosion that wiped out both the colony and the system’s relay. The Alliance spent weeks piecing together scattered radio transmissions, learning that the marines felt they had no choice but to send an asteroid into the relay to prevent invasion by the Reapers. While it bought the Alliance some time, the men and women lost on the mission were a severe blow to the 103rd Marine Corps. UPDATED (If the player appoints the Grissom students to a support role) Military Strength: 50. Biotic students from the Grissom Academy have joined the 103rd Marine Division as a support unit. The students focus their biotics into barriers that shield the marines and help control the flow of the battlefield. UPDATED (If Paragon option picked during interview with Allers after Priority: The Citadel II) Military Strength: 5. Commander Shepard’s interview with Diana Allers about the attempted takeover of the Citadel noted Cerberus’s tactical missteps, which improved the morale of Alliance ground forces. Admiral Mikhailovich. Requires: Do not save the Council during the Race Against Time: Final Battle mission. When the Reaper called Sovereign attacked the Citadel in 2183, Rear Admiral Boris Mikhailovich led the 63rd Scout Flotilla against it. The 63rd suffered the fewest losses of any Alliance flotilla during the Battle of the Citadel, while providing crucial support for the Fifth Fleet’s carriers and dreadnoughts. The Alliance promoted Mikhailovich from Rear Admiral to Admiral after the battle, and tasked him with rebuilding and upgrading his ships. His combat experience with the Reapers has been invaluable in devising strategies against them. Alliance First Fleet. The First Fleet was stationed near the Charon relay when the Reapers invaded the Sol system. By the time Admiral Hackett issued the order to retreat, its size–once the largest in the Alliance navy–had been cut by half. Commanding Admiral Ines Lindholm made the painful decision to use a tenth of the fleet’s remaining vessels as cover so the remainder could escape. Her gamble paid off, as the First Fleet limped out of the relay to rally with the rest of the Alliance forces on the run. UPDATED Requires: The scanning of the planet Juntauma, Farinata, Hades Gamma. Military Strength: 15. The SSV Agincourt was one of many Alliance ships that saved the colony world Elysium from pirates and slavers during the Skyllian Blitz in 2167 [sic] . In order to stay with his vessel and crew, its captain refused promotion after the Blitz. Thanks to Aria’s hacker, the Cerberus files located in General Petrovsky’s Afterlife headquarters were retrieved mostly intact. The encryption ciphers are complex, but Aria has her top technicians scraping the data for anything that may be of use to the Alliance. Key intel on Cerberus activities in Alliance theaters has already been found, providing the forces fighting in those areas a tactical edge. In more heavily encrypted files, valuable threads are emerging that could uncover top-secret Cerberus operations. UPDATED Requires: The scanning of the planet Dobrovolski, Pamyat, Hades Nexus Military Strength: 15. The SSV Leipzig was the first Alliance frigate to field-test the Thanix cannon, a compact version of a Reaper weapon developed after the Battle of the Citadel. The Leipzig’s captain was so pleased with the results, she gave her unconditional recommendation that the Alliance begin mass-producing the cannon as soon as possible. UPDATED (If used to save the Council) Military Strength: -25. This fleet lost a third of its vessels protecting the Council during the Battle of the Citadel two years ago. Unfortunately, the Alliance did not have time to rebuild the fleet to its previous strength before the Reapers invaded. UPDATED (If the Citadel: Chemical Treatment mission is completed) Military Strength: 8. Improved treatments for chemical burns are being implemented by Alliance doctors and medics. Alliance Third Fleet. Stationed at Arcturus, the Third Fleet is headed by Admiral Nitesh Singh. When the Reapers came for the station, Singh had already pulled his command ship, the SSV Logan, back to an ideal firing position for its mass accelerator cannons. The dreadnought’s guns managed to slow down a destroyer before it could demolish the Third Fleet, but Singh was forced to retreat in the face of overwhelming opposition from the Reapers. UPDATED Requires: The scanning of the planet Parag, Ming, Gemini Sigma Military Strength: 25. The SSV Nairobi is a top-of-the-line cruiser, with the showroom finish of a ship just off the factory line. As it has never seen warfare, the Nairobi’s officers have been running mock battles in preparation for real enemy contact. UPDATED Requires: The scanning of the planet Norehsa, Qertassi, Nubian Expanse Military Strength: 15. The Trafalgar was in the middle of an engine overhaul when a Cerberus flotilla engaged it in a firefight. Barely escaping on auxiliary power, its crew later finished upgrading the ship in record time after meeting Alliance forces. UPDATED (If used to save the Council) Military Strength: -25. This fleet lost a third of its vessels protecting the Council during the Battle of the Citadel two years ago. Unfortunately, the Alliance did not have time to rebuild the fleet to its previous strength before the Reapers invaded. UPDATED (If Balak is killed during Citadel: Batarian Codes) Military Strength: -10. Blaming humanity for the destruction of one of the batarian worlds, a batarian military officer has waged a campaign of sabotage against the Alliance. He hacked into Alliance ship systems, causing them to crash or lose oxygen in flight. UPDATED (If Private Talavi’s transfer request granted) Military Strength: -4. Human forces fighting Cerberus took losses, due in part to a shortage of engineers in the Alliance Third Fleet. N7 Special Ops Team. Requires: Promoting a multiplayer class. Military Strength: 75 for each promotion. No species can remain neutral during the Reaper conflict. Allied forces are recruiting anyone, soldier or mercenary, smart, fast, and tough enough to survive galactic war. The most experienced operatives form squads to secure objectives, evacuate civilians, and battle Cerberus or the Reapers deep in enemy territory. Initially led by N7 Alliance marines, these squads have been nicknamed the N7 Special Ops.
War of colonies the great expanse hack