To ensure that Low GI Diabetic Pongal Manufacturers employs several specific measures in their recipe formulation and cooking process. Firstly, they carefully select ingredients with low GI values, such as whole grains like brown rice or millets, which release glucose into the bloodstream more slowly compared to refined grains. they incorporates fiber-rich ingredients like lentils and vegetables, which further slow down the digestion process and help stabilize blood sugar levels.
Furthermore, they use minimal amounts of fat and sugar, opting for healthier alternatives like unsaturated fats and natural sweeteners in moderation. The cooking method is also crucial they utilizes techniques like pressure cooking or steaming to minimize the breakdown of carbohydrates and preserve the food’s low GI properties.
Moreover, they pay attention to portion sizes to prevent overconsumption of carbohydrates, which can spike blood sugar levels. By implementing these measures, Sriram Diabetic Foods ensures that their Pongal remains a diabetic-friendly option, offering a satisfying and nutritious meal without causing significant fluctuations in blood glucose levels.